Technology Etiquette
Policies about technology differ by school district; some students are allowed to bring smartphones and tablets to class while other kids are lucky to have access to a computer lab. But one thing is clear: New technology is blurring the lines when it comes to old-fashioned manners. First and foremost, teach children that "technology is a privilege, not a right," Shaw says. Second, help kids practice self-control. "Don't let kids use electronics in place of spending time with a person," she says. When talking to someone in person, though, kids should not talk while being preoccupied with a gadget; it's bad manners to divide attention. When communicating via technology, kids should never write anything (on the phone, in an email, or on a social-media site) that they wouldn't say to someone's face. "If your child has the ability to use electronics, teach her at a very young age, that whatever she posts can be seen by anyone at any time and can stay out there forever," Symington says.
Technology Etiquette
Policies about technology differ by school district; some students are allowed to bring smartphones and tablets to class while other kids are lucky to have access to a computer lab. But one thing is clear: New technology is blurring the lines when it comes to old-fashioned manners. First and foremost, teach children that "technology is a privilege, not a right," Shaw says. Second, help kids practice self-control. "Don't let kids use electronics in place of spending time with a person," she says. When talking to someone in person, though, kids should not talk while being preoccupied with a gadget; it's bad manners to divide attention. When communicating via technology, kids should never write anything (on the phone, in an email, or on a social-media site) that they wouldn't say to someone's face. "If your child has the ability to use electronics, teach her at a very young age, that whatever she posts can be seen by anyone at any time and can stay out there forever," Symington says.
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