Overall this study adds to what is known about community college WFD faculty, which at this point is very little, by offering a work profile for WFD faculty which includes: (1) a sample of reported job titles, (2) work history and educational background, (3) tasks (roles and responsibilities), (4) knowledge, and (5) skills. This study revealed that outside of the basic instruction that WFD provide for the division, their other contributions are largely unknown outside of WFD. Within WFD, WFD faculty are highly regarded subject matter experts and serve as the backbone of the division. WFD faculty affect the bottom-line of the division and the college. However, in order to effectively utilize their expertise and to identify additional WFD faculty that will continue to move the division forward, WFD will need to consider better approaches to explaining WFD faculty contributions, recruitment and selection activities, and professional development activities related to the community college and the public at large.