1﴿ Young people and their diet
"People are always telling me I should eat less fast food, but I like it so why should I
stop? I probably eat burgers four times a week and a kebab or some fried chicken once
or twice. It’s quick and I don’t have to waste time cooking. If I’m at home, I order a
pizza or a Chinese takeaway. I sometimes make myself a sandwich or some toast. I
don’t really eat vegetables apart from chips and as far as I’m concerned, salad is for
"In my job my appearance is very important so I have to think about what I eat and
drink all the time. I never drink coffee and I only drink alcohol on special occasions. I
drink about four liters of water a day. If I get a spot on my face, it’s a disaster so I
hardly ever eat chips or fried food. I eat fresh fish and seafood, but most of the time I
eat fresh vegetables, fruit, and salad."
"I’d like to eat more healthily, but I don’t always manage to. My girlfriend is a vegetarian
so she’s always complaining about what I eat. When I’m with her I eat a lot more salad
and fresh vegetables, but when I’m on my own I’m not so careful. I love a good steak or
roast chicken and I have to admit that the best thing to eat with those is a plate of
chips. I go to the pub four or five evenings a week so I suppose I drink more than I
should, too."
"I think I’m a bit too fussy about what I eat. I think it’s because when I was a little girl my
mom cooked only what I liked. Sometimes I had a completely different meal from the
rest of the family. Now I’m a student, the other girls I live with think I’m crazy. They eat
anything and everything while I just pick at a salad or a cheese sandwich."