( The third eye opens on Madara's forehead as he faces the moon closer with his rinnegan )
( A reflection of the third eye falls on the moon )
MADARA : [ Illuminate the world. Infinite Tsukuyomi!! ]
( Madara stares at the moon holding the seal )
BLACK ZETSU : The nightmare has begun! Infinite Tsukuyomi has been cast.
( Konohagakure/Sunagakure/Iwagakure/Kirigakure/Kumogakure )
( People notices the tomoes on the Moon's face )
RANDOM PERSON 1 : What is that?
RANDOM PERSON 2 : Doesn't that look like a Sharingan?
RANDOM PERSON 3 : What might be happening at the battlefield? We haven't heard anything from them yet...
( Battlefield )
SHINOBIS : ( fighting against Spiral Zetsu notices the Moon ) That is?
KAGES : [ Infinite Tsukuyomi? ]
SPIRAL ZETSU : [ It's about time.. ]
KABUTO : It seems Madara got an upper hand. Infinite Tsukuyomi will be soon cast upon the world.
TOBIRAMA : Everyone! avoid staring at the Moon. We must notify this to the Shinobis. Let's go!!
( Minato is shown standing near the coast looking at the moon )
MINATO : [ This is bad... ]
( Sasuke is shown slicing down the huge boulders with his Susano'o swords )
( Madara claps his hands and holds them together )
( Madara releases the God Tree back in to the real world )
NARUTO : Sasuke!!
( Naruto approaches Kakashi and Sakura )
SASUKE : ?!!
( holds the susaon'o swords pointing in front and gives a swirling motion with the help of wings )
( Drills through one of the boulder and approaches towards land )
( Naruto holding Kakashi and Sakura leaps in air )
( Sasuke's susano'o takes a turn )
( Naruto lands over Susano'o along with Kakashi and Sakura )
( Susano'o takes the flight again )
GAARA/LEE : ( notices the moon ) ?!!
( Suddenly notices the God Tree emerging back )
GAARA : Hold on!!
( The God Tree settles on the ground and dugs its roots deep into the earth )
NARUTO/SASUKE : The size has been doubled?!!
MADARA : It's time to sleep! ( smirks while still holding the hands together )
( Huge trees grows out at various places over the whole world )
( There are in total nine trees emerging out and growing to huge heights )
( People are shown scared at sudden emergence of the tree near their region )
( A tree grows out in one of the village destroying everything around it )
( People are shouting due to the sudden attack in the middle of night )
( Everything settles )
( A moment of Silence )
( Sasuke's Susano'o flies around the God Tree )
SASUKE : Naruto!! Attack Madara now. Or we'll be too late.
NARUTO : Alright!! Kakashi sensei!! Sakura!! Hold on to Sasuke.
( Sakura and Kakashi gets absorbed into the Susano'o )
( Naruto dashes towards Madara from the Susano'o )
SAKURA/KAKASHI : [ Naruto... ]
( Sasuke's Susano'o takes the flight towards the sky )
( He closes his right eye )
NARUTO : ( senses Madara's shadows ) ?!! Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!
( A ripple effect is shown advancing from the Moon over the whole world )
( The ripple effect advances quickly because of the trees grown at various places )
( People gets stunned as the ripple advances over them )
( All the people are shown taking their steps towards the tree grown nearby )
NARUTO : What just happened?
MADARA : [ COme closer.. closer... and become the part of the Dream World. Soon everyone will be connected to the tree and sleep for eternity ]
( Naruto's clones attack the shadows while Naruto is about to attack Madara )
MADARA : ?! Shinra Tensei!!
( A huge force throws Naruto back towards the ground )
( Sasuke flies towards the sky )
( As he moves towards the sky the ground, the mountains looks smaller and smaller )
( Sasuke remembers standing in the Uchiha's secret meeting room in front of the monument )
SASUKE : ( while flying higher and higher ) [ When people possessing the power of Rinnegan get close to the moon... ]
( Now, a clear picture can be seen showing the locations of the trees growing out of the ground )
( They look similar to the Juubi's eye, the nine huge trees representing the nine tomoes while the God tree at the center )
( Sasuke stops in mid air and takes a look at the ground with his left eye )
( The trees which can be seen from his location are shown connected with each other underground through several roots )
KAKASHI : [ What are you trying to do? Sasuke. ]
SASUKE : ( takes a look at the moon ) [ The eye responsible for Infinite Tsukuyomi will open to reflect on it ]
( Sasuke's 6-tomoed rinnegan eye awakens three more tomoes )
( Sasuke is shown focusing his eye towards the moon