In the assessment stage, a pilot project is usually planned to determine if a project may cause any side effects.
Typical side effects can be seen in such cases that implementing truck bans for large trucks in urban areas increases
the number of small trucks instead of large trucks which leads to higher level of traffic congestion and negative
environmental impacts. To avoid such side effects, we need to carefully design projects.
In the implementation stage, collaboration between public authorities and private companies is essential, since the
success of any measures of urban freight transport management depends on the mutual understanding and
cooperation of stakeholders. The wise use of subsidies from municipalities is required, as the project cannot be
sustainable if it depends too much on subsidies.
In the evaluation stage, multiple criteria are needed for evaluating policy measures, including costs for freight
carriers, environmental impacts, traffic safety and energy consumption. Key performance indicators (KPI) in terms
of life quality, economic development, accessibility, and transport efficiency play an important role for evaluating
policy measures. If the results are not good, they can feedback and the procedure re-started from the beginning. This
feedback system is the key to achieving goals in the PDCA cycle.
Throughout the procedure, public-private partnerships (PPP) among stakeholders are important, since meeting
together and discussing in the open manner is required to find smarter solutions and implement them in real
situations. In general shippers and freight carriers are reluctant to open any business data to outside people.
However, recently some data, for example truck movements using GPS (Global Positioning Systems) are available
to analyse truck traffic flows and parking behaviour. Precise data of truck traffic is critical for understanding the
current situation of traffic and finding better solutions