Nowadays we lost many coral because of the human. Human overrun many sea area so that make many effect including about the coral. We have many ways to protect the coral such as give an information to people to let them know how was the situation of corals in present. And Ecotourism in each of tour guide will tell the tourists about the good things and the bad things of the ecosystem to make the comparison. And guide should tell them how to protect the coral and what you should not do like when tourists do the snorkeling they should not walk over the coral because it take many time to growth up.In the tour trip we can make the tourist plant the coral back to the sea again it can increase the number of coral. And when you need to stop the ship you should tie the ship with the rope instead of drop the anchor because it can damage the coral as there are the gap in the law. Some people invade the coral reef to sell the coral or to make the home decoration we should help the coral by legislation the law of protect the sea living like
1. Do not catch any creature in this area
2. If there any factory near the sea area they should not do the work near the sea are because of the chemical can be harm the area.