The constant A is smaller for adults than eggs, which indicates that eggs are more susceptible to temperature
than adults. The m value for eggs is larger than that for adults, reflected by the steeper lethal curve in Fig 4. The m
value is higher than the values obtained from LIMO, which were 4.5 and 4 for adults and eggs, respectively (Zhao et al.,
2004). The A values from LIMO were 0.0857 and 0.1586 for adults and eggs, respectively, and T0 was 431C for both
adults and eggs (Zhao et al., 2004). This suggests that the effect of temperature on pest mortality is greater and the
pest is more susceptible to microwaves from an industrial continuous microwave oven. This may be due to a more
symmetrical spread and stronger radiation intensity of microwaves within an industrial continuous microwave