The above mentioned 11 CaMV 35S and/or the nos positive soycontaining samples were analyzed for RUR soy and all of them gave positive amplification signal (Fig. 4). The other 14 positive maizecontaining samples were screened for the presence of specific GM maize events. For this purpose duplex PCR detections of specific sequences of either Mon 810 Yield Gard maize and Bt 176 Maximizer maize or T25 Liberty Link maize and Bt11 maize were performed (Figs. 5 and 6). Of those 14 positive samples, four samples were identified as T25 Liberty Link maize and one sample as Bt 11 maize while three samples were positive for both Bt11 maize and T25 Liberty Link maize. Similar with our results, Greiner et al. (2005) also informed that in four of the 17 GM DNA positive maize products they screened, two different GM events were found, while in the rest of the samples only one GM event was detected. In another study performed in Turkey, eight of the 11 CaMV 35 S positive maize samples were also positive for T 25 and Bt 11 maize specific sequence. However because other events are not screened in that study the rest of the positive maize samples could not be identified (Gürakan et al., 2011).