Eat eggs per day, how many bubbles are appropriate?
In eggs and duck eggs 1 bubble collar station restaurant is 250 mg onpraman Lake, from which the information Office of the Ministry of public health, nutrition, public health department has suggested that we should get to the lecithin station restaurant onkhao neck body no more than 300 mg per day, so if you do not want to receive the Lake station restaurant onchak neck to eat too much, eat eggs in quantity as follows:
Children aged 6 months up to eat boiled rice mixed with egg yolk cooked crushed, then the first little volume in increments of expensive.
Children aged 7 months to teenagers consume 1 bubble.
People work. Normal health should be consumed 3-4 bubbles per week.
Patients with diabetes is high blood pressure high blood cholesterol should consume eggs, 1 bubble per place.