Survey research design was used for this study. First the regional and zonal education bureau officials were communicated if there were schools that had functioning G&C programs. The officials reported that all government high schools in Hareri people regional state (five in number) and 13 out of the 30 government high schools in East Harerge zone had G&C programs. Since the purpose of the study was to assess the provisions of G&C services, only those schools that had functioning G&C programs were assessed. Accordingly, half of the schools that were reported to have G&C programs (3 schools from Hareri region and 6 schools from East Harerge zone) were randomly selected using lottery method. From these schools a total of 336 participants (225 students, 90 teachers, 9 directors, 9 school guidance and counselors, one regional education bureau head, one zonal education bureau head and one supervisor) participated in the study