For the improvements of fatigue performance, stress reductions were observed in
the test by YBC as a part of our joint research. Some of results derived from FE Analysis
also indicate stress reduction. To evaluate durability of SFRC is the largest task in current
researches especially in the case that SFRC has got cracks by negative bending under wet
condition. PWRI had conducted a flexural strength test and a fatigue test using specimens
having half meter by half meter size. The tests took into account of the effects of
reinforcement in SFRC layer such as grids of reinforcing bar and CFRP. And in 2008, we
will start a series of wheel running tests using two real size OSD specimens in order to
evaluate durability of SFRC pavement under more realistic way that can re-create
complicated behavior. Through these analytical and experimental studies, we plan to write
a design and construction manual, hoping it becomes a useful reference for road
administrative organizations that are going to apply SFRC pavement to their OSDs.