Compared to the former era when it was an honor to become the student of a university
or a college, today the higher education institutions should face the fact that the students are to
be treated like consumers (George, 2007). This fact also differentiates the level of services in
higher education because the needs of consumers are also different. The role of price/value ratio
has become more important in choosing the adequate university or college, which requires a new
approach from the institutions in regards to the pricing and calibrating of the level of training
services. In this context it should be underlined that there will always be some „consumers”
who prefer quality training, therefore the role of talent care remains important. One of the signs
of globalizing higher education is the increased student mobility. The European education faces
new challenges: through the student mobility the conflict of national diversity and loyalty can
be felt; the place of patriotism and political loyalty should be found; the differences should be
fitted or the equalities divided; and, last but not least, there is a question to answer: what is the
minimum requirement of education which should be met by everybody (Follesdal, 2008).