The mixed solution
was manually drawn off and then immediately fed with the
same volume of gelatinized PPW slurry once a day according to
the SRT and SC (for example, SRT of 2 d and SC of 30 g L1 reactor,
400 mL mixture was removed and same volume of gelatinized
PPW with SC of 30 g L1 was added daily), no sedimentation phase
was conducted. Sampling and analysis was conducted after at least
3 SRT cycles to ensure steady state conditions of the bioreactors
were obtained. A total of thirteen conditions composed of 4 cubic
points and 4 axial points and 5 replicates at the center point were
conducted. The experimental data were processed using Design
Expert 8.0 software (Stat-Ease, Inc., MN, USA).
The mixed solutionwas manually drawn off and then immediately fed with thesame volume of gelatinized PPW slurry once a day according tothe SRT and SC (for example, SRT of 2 d and SC of 30 g L1 reactor,400 mL mixture was removed and same volume of gelatinizedPPW with SC of 30 g L1 was added daily), no sedimentation phasewas conducted. Sampling and analysis was conducted after at least3 SRT cycles to ensure steady state conditions of the bioreactorswere obtained. A total of thirteen conditions composed of 4 cubicpoints and 4 axial points and 5 replicates at the center point wereconducted. The experimental data were processed using DesignExpert 8.0 software (Stat-Ease, Inc., MN, USA).
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