A pattern of collaboration between the private sector, local governments and communities in the restoration and
management of mangrove ecosystems is needed at this time. This paper aims to explain the concept of collaboration
in the mangrove forest restoration activities in the Sedari Village that has been being conducted by PT Pertamina
Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), as the private sector, working together with local government and
communities. This collaborative program is named “Orang Tua Asuh Pohon (OTAP). As a part of the community
development program, the program is expected to provide benefits to the PHE ONWJ, local governments, and
communities to be able to manage the mangrove forests in Sedari Village and grow active participation of the
community in sustainable mangrove restoration. The data and information used of existing data and information as
well as result of field observation. The data anda information were assessed.