It's official. I missed my flight to Galapagos cuz I got the departure time wrong... again!
Sometime I feel like I might need to stop handling my own flights and hire a secretary to book, cancel and remind me to go to the airport. I'm such a mess when it comes to date and time esp after 5 months long trip.
Anyhow everything is under control. I had 2 legs of my flights changed without any further cost. Only one small problem is the last leg from Guayagil to Galapagos that they can't change it for me here.
"When you arrive to Ecuador, find someone."
Yeah right... I'll arrive at midnight and I'll definitely be able to find someone who can change my flight. (It will be a miracle if I can find that person.)
This is going to be an interesting adventure that i'm not looking forward to it at all.
This is not the first time and won't be the last.
By the way, I'm surprisingly calm and actually I was even making joke with the airline. Probably because I'm so used to it now.
Sometimes when there is nothing else you can do , just laugh at yourself or at the situation and keep up good spirit. Everything is going to be ok