Findings are as follows:
The results of this study. The study presents the findings of the research objectives and 3,
respectively , as follows: -
The objective 1 of the study: characteristics of different accounting standards and tax accounting of leasing busines s. The analytical results are shown.
In summary, different styles, accounting and taxation in leasing business of analysis can be
divided into four groups: the group of assets, the group ofliabilities, the group of income and the group of expense. And each group is divided into different categories, 2 types of general differences and specific differences.
General characteristic differences possible under the Revenue Code that all business must calculate the difference this general about the prohibited expense mean payment more than the Revenue Code.
The specific differences, it is only the leasing business. There is no specific legislation , but must refer the law side and the Revenue Code, Civil and Commercial Code, summary that analysis shows that the special differentiating characteristics of accounting and taxation for the leasing business can be categorized by reference to the characteristics of four different groups to which individual leasing businesses belong. These four are the assets group, the liabilities group, the revenues group, and the expenditures group. Furthermore, the differences can themselves be classified under the rubrics of general and specific differences. The general differences are grounded in the requirements of the Revenue Code in which all types ofbusinesses must provide expenditure figures such that allowed and disallowed taxation exemptions can be computed. However, there are no specific differences for the leasing business in view of the fact that there are no specific regulations governing this type of business in either the Revenue Code or the Civil and Commercial Code.