Since the cultural products we know as built landscapes, what Michel Foucault called spaces of nature are implicated in power structures, landscape architectural theory that recon becomes entangled in theories of mediation As soon as world views, consciousness, and theoretical frameworks are translated into forms of consciousness and cultural products that occupy nature's space, that require human labor and natural and produced material resources, and that signify an owner's or inhabitant's status in a culture, architectural theory oscillates from the symbolic to the ideological realm I landscape three categories of theory, but rather hope it is clear that my analogies do not result in can engage in, and that all criticism describe three theoretical project that all built work can bring to bear on built works. intercedes, and joins. It removes Bridging, mediating, and reconciling. Theory spans, the service of variables, oppor- design from the isolation of the individual ego and from concerns tunities, and constraints. Theory connects built landscape form to the cares and of humanity. Landscape architectural theory reconciles design form with the particulars of time and place and the aspirations and motivations of humankind. As such, situated the ory enables and ennobles practice