The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is used to map the lifespan of a product. It is the period of time over which an item is developed, brought to market and eventually removed from the market. There are generally four stages in the life of a product. These four stages are the Introduction stage, the Growth stage, the Maturity stage and the Decline stage. There is no set time period for the PLC and the length of each stage may vary. One product’s entire life cycle could be over in a few months. Another product could last for years. Also, the introduction stage may last much longer than the growth stage and vice versa. The four stages in a Product Life Cycle –
• Introduction: Product is introduced in the market with intention to build a clear identity and heavy promotion is done for maximum awareness. Before actual offering of the product to customers, product passes through product development, involves prototype and market tests. Companies incur more costs in this phase and also bear additional cost for distribution. On the other hand, there are a few customers at this stage, means low sales volume. So, during introductory stage company’s profits shows a negative figure because of huge cost but low sales volume.
• Growth: In this stage, company’s sales and profits starts increasing and competition also begin to increase. The product becomes well recognized at this stage and some of the buyers repeat the purchase patterns. During this stage, firms focus on brand preference and gaining market share.
• Maturity: At maturity stage, brand awareness is strong so sale continues to grow but at a declining rate as compared to past. At this stage, there are more competitors with the same products. So, companies defend their market share. At this stage usually loyal customers make purchases.