general, the treatment of wheat bran improved the CTTAD of CF, EE and hence the OM of the diets. Lyberg et al. (2007)showed that the digestibility of OM could be increased by fermentation of wheat and barley. Also Jørgensen et al. (2010)obtained similar results, where the fermentation of the whole wheat grain improved the total tract digestibility of organicmatter by 1–2%. An explanation of these observations was the higher content of potentially fermentable compounds infermented barley compared to the native variant. However, in these studies, fermentations were performed without addinglactic acid bacteria. Extrusion technology has been frequently used to enhance the digestibility of cereals like corn and peain animal feeding (Li et al., 2010; Stein and Bohlke, 2007; Sun et al., 2006). However literature shows that this technologyhas been rarely applied for wheat bran used for animal feeding purposes.