Accessing Relevant Objects and Learning From Them
Our data indicate that identifying and deeply engaging
with digital objects was challenging for many users. Our
intention for the Blobgects system was to test if accessing
objects through their catalog entries only, and through tagging
and commenting on those entries, made it easier and
more meaningful for users to interact with objects. Given
that, these results emphasize the importance of integrating
an interpretive framework into the digital catalog; that is, a
basic context and plain language description of an object.
Doing this would allow users who are not museum experts
to contextualize the objects that they are viewing, and from
there, they can more easily enter into the discussion about
Accessing Relevant Objects and Learning From ThemOur data indicate that identifying and deeply engagingwith digital objects was challenging for many users. Ourintention for the Blobgects system was to test if accessingobjects through their catalog entries only, and through taggingand commenting on those entries, made it easier andmore meaningful for users to interact with objects. Giventhat, these results emphasize the importance of integratingan interpretive framework into the digital catalog; that is, abasic context and plain language description of an object.Doing this would allow users who are not museum expertsto contextualize the objects that they are viewing, and fromthere, they can more easily enter into the discussion aboutobjects.
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