Who has gag sense and who doesnt.....!?
――Thats very good hitter(about woo ebing funny 80/100) then. How about who doesnt have gag sense?
TY:(answers immediately) Me and Chansung. Oops forgot about Junho.
JH: What are you saying~! Dont drag me there! Im different from 2 of you!!
JH: They always try to drag me to their evil triangle. Really, please stop it!
CS: (Ignores) Junho is like says it by himself and gets satisfied by himself.
JH: No thats not it. I dont like the atmosphere gets awkward so I dont interrupt and keep quiet.
――Ahh~I think this has no ending so lets ask Nichkhun to decide and give ranking on who isn't funny among three of you.
TY: thats good idea.
NK: (stares three of them) No comment.
WY: Nichkhun is kind.
TY: Nichkhun is usually quiet but when he starts saying something once, his funniness can't stop.
JH: Oh yeah, recently at one point Hangul, we did a quiz which you have to form a word from a puzzle and Nichkhun did "Yushou"(became the champion). Nichkhun is "Yushuu"(excellent)![Junho playing with words]....Uhhm, right now, I did praise Nichkhun right?
NK: (sense the situation) Junho is really funny!lol
――Cannot deny there was forceful feeling. So in conclusion, who has gag sense in 2PM are WY & JK and who doesn't are TY & CS, am I right?
JH: (strongly) YES!
――Chasnung are you admitting yourself(that you dont have gaga sense)?
CS: Yes, I already know it.
JK: Chansung is also funny. And Taecyeon also, he is the mood maker of 2pm who cheer us up always.
NK: I think everyone is funny!
ALL: So kind~~!!