Zhou Weiqing said passively: “Teacher, if you have something to say, please go ahead… although I do not think we have much to talk about. After all, I still haven’t settled with you about you maligning me today.”
Ming Hua revealed a rather amused smirk. “Is that really maligning? Let’s not argue further. Are you interested in hearing a story? After listening to my story, you will understand why I am so sensitive to the Evil aura from you.”
Zhou Weiqing raised his brow. “Right here?”
Ming Hua shrugged and said: “If you do not want your little girlfriend to know we are together in your bedchamber, why don’t we go somewhere else. The only thing is… Do you dare to follow me?”
Zhou Weiqing smiled, his old lascivious look reappearing on his face as he looked over her body meaningfully. “Alright then, what are we waiting for? To be invited by a beautiful lady, that is my honour… How could I possibly reject.”
Ming Hua crooked her finger and beckoned to him, laughing lightly as she said: “Come then.” As she said that, she vaulted back to the window, and instantly leapt out.
Zhou Weiqing also moved swiftly and silently to the window, leaping out and following Ming Hua. As he left through the window, he released his Heavenly Jewels, invoking his senses to their maximum, warily.
Naturally, Zhou Weiqing knew that for Ming Hua to call him out of her own accord, she definitely had something up her sleeve that gave her confidence. However, at this point, he had no choice but to follow her and react accordingly… There was no running or hiding from this, as the stakes were just too high.
Just as the two of them vanished into the distance, the sleeping Fat Cat, who was still in the room, suddenly snapped its eyes open, a dim glow shining forth from within.
As soon as they left the vicinity of their house, Ming Hua sped up. Although she wasn’t an agility or speed type Heavenly Jewel Master, her coordination boost was extremely powerful, and in combination with her extraordinary physique, her speed was still rather impressive. With her four-Jeweled level, her speed was able to reach rather shocking levels.
Zhou Weiqing followed behind her steadily, keeping a constant distance between them. Although his cultivation level was no match for hers, he did have the Wind Attribute in his Elemental Jewels, which greatly improved his speed. As such, even without the use of his Demonic Right Leg, he was still able to keep up with her.
Just like that, the two of them ran towards the east, and before long that the east gate came into sight.
Seeing that they were at the east gate, Ming Hua suddenly stopped, waiting for Zhou Weiqing to catch up.
“We still need to exit the city?” Zhou Weiqing asked meaningfully. “Are you trying to kill me to hide something?”