he split gill mushroom or locally called as ‘kulat sisir’ (literally mean as ‘comb fungus’) is the most common edible mushroom that can be fou nd in many countries including western and eastern regions. For that reason, it is not surprising that this mushroom has always been used as a model type for macrofungi analysis in academic studies and scientific researches. Despite its availability, split gill mushroom is scarce in commercial Malaysian market, probably due to limited sources of natural substrates and its seasonal environment is unsuitable for the development of fruit bodies. Sometimes, this mushroom can be found at weekend market or night market, but usually the price is quite high. Unlike oyster mushroom, split gill mushroom is not commercially cultivated although the substrates are nevertheless the same. The cultivators find it unattractive to grow this type of mushroom due to its low pro duct yield, small fruit body and its ability to degrade substrate in a short period of time compared to other edible mushrooms, which lead to its low biological efficiency.