2.1 Users with Down syndrome
There are some works with users with impairment; some of them are about autism and others in our context: Down Syndrome. We highlight two of those works: Computer Usage by Young Individuals with Down syndrome. And Creative Interactive Play for Disabled Children
The first work presents experiences with people between 4 and 21 years old with Down syndrome. It was made a survey asking how people with down syndrome make use of computers. In specific questions about input device, the most cited were keyboard and mouse. Other input devices cited were: touch screen joystick touchpad trackball speech recognition stylus and keyguard. One of the conclusions of the work was people with Down syndrome have much difficult to use mouse and specially keyboard because they have fingers shorter than usual
Other work exposes different manners of interaction of handicapped children with computers. One kind of interaction mentioned was a remote controlled robot used by a seven year old boy with autism. Other robots were used in experiences. Some of them, social robots. The objective of the work was to collect and discuss research from robotics to interactive environments and tangible media promoting play for physically, visually and hearing for different handicapped children.
Those works showed important concepts and results for our work, but is difficult to find a great number of papers that use experience with handicapped children, especially with Down syndrome children, interacting with computers. Based on results of it’s perceptible that is necessary to make different manners of interaction. Our objective is not the same as because we want to take care of only children with Down syndrome at this moment. In the next section we describe how the movement recognition will work in our search.