:00South Gloucestershire and Stroud college proudly presents a brief summary of to
0:05learning and assessment strategy for the next three years
0:08we are of course an educational facility committed
0:12to developing students developing students who are
0:17critical thinkers confident
0:22we want to encourage them to be
0:25curious individuals and is teaching we have given them
0:28chicken from time to reflect on the knowledge
0:32that they have gained in order to fulfill our commitment
0:35we shall inspire students through creative and thought-provoking teaching
0:39we'll create an inclusive culture
0:42that meets the needs of the learners irrespective of their starting points
0:46levels of knowledge skills or abilities through this naturally pollution
0:50we work with students with the skills they need to thrive
0:54in the real world the world of work we will not tolerate unsatisfactory and
1:00have an unwavering desire
1:01to be the very best by good planning we will deliver consistently good sessions
1:06the word unsatisfactory will be resigned to a history book
1:09who developed a range of different assessments that reflected the diversity
1:13of our students
1:15including individual pay it
1:18and group activities we will assist students to be confidence in the use of
1:24and the system both in and outside the classroom we will encourage students to
1:30become a lot more autonomous
1:31independent thinkers and continue to raise awareness
1:34and the value of transferable skills which equipment
1:38their working lives students will be encouraged to every opportunity to
1:42develop and apply problem-solving skills
1:44what's insuring implementation safe practices
1:50good but you need confidence to take me forward to in the world of work
1:57so we want
1:59confident done this with firm handshakes to rebound forward into business
2:03giving land as the resilience to make them a success
2:06you know it good business leaders are telling us
2:10the learn is to simply are not ready to into the workplace
2:14there's all that money to be earned and yet
2:17de failing but with eccentric and planning
2:21inconsistently go back to teaching will be an exception to the rule
2:25you know it seems like a mountain climbing exercise a teaches
2:30when on cuz it is getting student from being a learner farming them out into
2:34the real world of business and commerce
2:35knowing they're ready to well actually still be a learner
2:39well tort but now in the real world this is quite an obstacle
2:44up haha I up
2:48by I
2:51up by I
2:55making the right choices eventual career
2:57when a student he says a casing can be well a minefield
3:01but I'm I feel we could avoid but showing learn is a way through
3:04with you to teaching students how to utilize tools to get their own way
3:09up by
3:12I up by
3:16%uh if you consider the use of the right tools
3:20were those tools will be the cement or to help the learner each stage of the
3:26sharing best practice in preparing for the real world hoc
3:36by giving students his knowledge they should eventually be able to self
3:39confident they make their own way
3:41and free up valuable time to focus on how the students
3:44who are be the struggling with their scent or to city funny hard to get off
3:49the ground
3:49clearly not to learn is that the same some might be high flyers
3:53but individuals they're all equal our aim is to support each and every one of
3:58individually and when necessary be it's a cult a difference or learning
4:04the city tutoring who keep them on track he'll make them
4:08believe in themselves we'll do this in part by collecting as much information
4:13about the individual and as we possibly can
4:15meanwhile we will continue to develop innovative ways to secure funding from
4:19the lights have
4:20LSIs particularly in the areas have science
4:24technology engineering and maths this will in turn
4:27create a curriculum with high-quality resources giving stuff away
4:31mom feel safe zone in which to experiment and innovate with their
4:35deliberate material
4:36are inspirational training will be driven by our staff
4:39every member of staff will have a clear direction with progress rates which
4:43would support that personal growth and development
4:46who nice he might actually be fun now
4:49development will be our key focus and observations will remain central
4:53to achieving continuous improvements in teaching learning and
4:56assessment all strategies shifted away from quality assurance to lots 1 I've
5:01quality improvement in doing so we will bridge the gap between skills
5:05knowledge and outcomes as I mentioned before the world of work can be an alien
5:10place to land as
5:11we will use all manner of outside resources to help the strife a common
5:16goals as we bring in employers community group
5:19and teaches from other schools to enable learners to build on their self-esteem
5:23note today confidence and prepare them for their working lives
5:29there you have it our world is a place where learners will continue to develop
5:33not just as workers
5:34but is confident we sponsor will citizens who make a positive a
5:37meaningful contribution
5:39to the communities in which they live
5:42%uh by I