How Does Music Therapy Make a
Difference for Individuals with
Diagnoses on the Autism Spectrum?
Music therapy provides a unique variety of music
experiences in an intentional and developmentally
appropriate manner to effect changes in behavior
and facilitate development of skills.
The literature reports that most individuals with ASD
respond positively to music. People with ASD often
show a heightened interest and response to music,
making it an excellent therapeutic tool for working
with them.
Music is a very basic human response, spanning all
degrees of ability/disability. Music therapists are
able to meet clients at their own levels and allow
them to grow from there. The malleability of music
makes it a medium that can be adapted to meet the
needs of each individual. Music is motivating and
enjoyable. Music can promote relatedness,
relaxation, learning, and self-expression. Music
therapy addresses multiple developmental issues
simultaneously. Music therapy can provide successoriented
opportunities for achievement and
mastery. The structure and sensory input inherent in
music help to establish response and role
expectations, positive interactions, and organization.
How Does Music Therapy Make aDifference for Individuals withDiagnoses on the Autism Spectrum?Music therapy provides a unique variety of musicexperiences in an intentional and developmentallyappropriate manner to effect changes in behaviorand facilitate development of skills.The literature reports that most individuals with ASDrespond positively to music. People with ASD oftenshow a heightened interest and response to music,making it an excellent therapeutic tool for workingwith them.Music is a very basic human response, spanning alldegrees of ability/disability. Music therapists areable to meet clients at their own levels and allowthem to grow from there. The malleability of musicmakes it a medium that can be adapted to meet theneeds of each individual. Music is motivating andenjoyable. Music can promote relatedness,relaxation, learning, and self-expression. Musictherapy addresses multiple developmental issuessimultaneously. Music therapy can provide successorientedopportunities for achievement andmastery. The structure and sensory input inherent inmusic help to establish response and roleexpectations, positive interactions, and organization.
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