No increase in the color removal was observedat alum concentration below 20 mg/L. Maximum color removal(80.4%) was observed at 20 mg/L alum concentration. The colorremoval percentage increased from 80.4 to 83.7% by increasingthe alum concentration up to 150 mg/L. Maximum COD reduction(80.2%) was observed using 100 mg/L of alum. It was found thatincrease in the amount of alum, from 20 to 150 mg/L, does notincrease the color removal and COD reduction significantly. There-fore, a minimum amount of alum (20 mg/L) in combination with9.6 mg/L O. basilicum mucilage would be effective for treatmentof the real textile wastewater with 80.4% color and 76.4% CODremoval