IDEF, an abbreviation of ICAM (Integrated Computer
Aided Manufacturing) DEFinition, was first used for the
analysis and design of the computer aided
manufacturing system by the United States air force in logistics modeling. Roh et al. used IDEF0 to break
down the port system of Busan Port in Korea into six
sub-level IDEF0 diagrams (voyage supporting system,
port entry system, stevedoring system, transit system,
storage system and inland transport connecting system),
which help in understanding the interrelationships
between associated companies in the port activity
cluster and explain how port users and related logistics
companies engage in the port logistics process. Zhang et
al. described a general design framework of the logistics
facility network planning procedure for third party
logistics providers (3PLs) based on IDEF0 method. The
procedure of the design framework has seven steps,
including analyzing orientation and client logistics
needs, designing initial network, conforming the potential facility sites, engendering the projects,
evaluating the projects and implementing the project. Ni
chose IDEF0 as the method of system analysis for
logistics informatization. Xu and Cheng used IDEF0 to
build up the logistics center operation flow model.
In following sections, we will use this systematic
method to model the typical Integrated Logistics Park,
based on the case of Xinglin Logistics Park. Section 3
gives a brief description of activities and functions of
Logistics Park. Section 4 models Logistics Park based
on IDEF0 method. In the final section the practical
significance and the usage of the diagrams are