Can I wear dress appropriate to my culture or nationality?
All discrimination on the grounds of race, culture and ethnic origin is forbidden. School uniforms in Queensland schools should reflect the cultural values of different ethnic communities. Stopping students from dressing in a manner typical of their race, culture or nationality could be discrimination.
If you are of Pacific Island origin, you should be allowed to wear a lava lava, pareu, sarong or other customary dress, if this is your normal dress outside school. An Indian student should be able to wear a sari.
There are cultural factors involved in hair length and head dress as well. Sikh and other cultures have rules about cutting hair. Some religions require that the head be covered, or that a particular form of head dress is worn. In some African cultures, young people are expected to have their hair braided.
If you have good reasons for not wearing the school uniform or following school dress codes, you and your parents should write a note to the school principal setting out those reasons and asking for approval.