Can I say "I enjoy your company" to avoid telling her straight up that I like her?
two nights ago me and my 2 friends john and kate, and my friend emma decided to go look for this cave in the woods, which was suppose to be scary and john and kate would walk together in front with a flahslight with me and emma behind. we had a couple times where emma would get scared and grab me or we brush up.
Yesterday i went to the beach with a few friends. it was originally john and kate, and i, but we were talking about it in the car with another friend so we felt as though we should invite him. the water at the beach was cold and everyone but emma went into the water, so then i walked over to our spot and asked her to come in the water and she came with me. in the car emma sat closer to me than our other friend. and she also sat with me when we went out to eat. in the car i tried to slickly put my arm on the seats behind her lol.
then later in the night. my friends and i went to see super 8, but not everyone came and it was just me emma and a different couple. so it feels like its always a couple, and then me and emma. in the car she was telling me about her sunburn and told me to feel her thigh where it was hot, and then i touched her again on her leg to see the difference, and she said "oh i just wanted u to feel there, that was a little awkward." on the way home i mentioned plans to do something tonight and she asked if she could come too. so im not sure whats goin on lol. mixed signals more please? lol if we hang out tonight too should i tell her i enjoy her company?
another thing is she stopped talking to her off and on ex a week ago. and im also ffriends with her ex