The customer's right? Tony and Maree were annoyed. Having just 5 weeks ago moved into home, and having though that all their mail was being redirected to address. They discovered that several bills were outstanding because received them. Worse, one was a premium for a life insurance policy now a risk of lapsing, and another was a credit card payment that would interest charges if unpaid by the due date. Maree was adamant: "This is office s fault and it's just not good enough". Upon arriving at their local post office, however, they were forced to wait for 20 minutes because there appeared to be only one person behind the counter and then were told that they would have to register their complaint at the post office where they originally lodged the request to have their mail redirected. Maree was furious and pulled her copy of the form out if her the cleri. She then noticed that their new address had been written incorrectly on well said the clerk, this is clearly your fault. There is nothing i can do help.You'd betteThe customer's right? Tony and Maree were annoyed. Having just 5 weeks ago maved into home, and having though that all their mail was being redirected to address. They discovered that several bills were outstanding because received them. Worse, one was a premium for a life insurance policy now a risk of lapsing, and another was a credit card payment that wou nterest charges if unpaid by the due date. Maree was adamant: "This is office s fault and it's just not good enough". Upon arriving at their local post office, however, they were forced to wait for 20 minutes because there appeared to be only one person behind the counter and then were told that they would have to register their compla the po t office where they originally lodged the request to have their mail redirected. Maree was furious and pulled her copy of the form out if her back to show the clerk. She then noticed that their new address had been written in incorrectly "oh well" said the clerk, "this is clearly your fault.There is nothing i can do help. You'd better fill out another form. Maree stormed in Im um ur of what to do next but decidedly unhappy aboutr fill out another form The customer's right? Tony and Maree were annoyed. Having just 5 weeks ago moved into home, and having though that all their mail was being redirected to address. They discovered that several bills were outstanding because received them. Worse, one was a premium for a life insurance policy now a risk of lapsing, and another was a credit card payment that would interest charges if unpaid by the due date. Maree was adamant: "This is office s fault and it's just not good enough". Upon arriving at their local post office, however, they were forced to wait for 20 minutes because there appeared to be only one person behind the counter and then were told that they would have to register their complaint at the post office where they originally lodged the request to have their mail redirected. Maree was furious and pulled her copy of the form out if her the cleri. She then noticed that their new address had been written incorrectly on well said the clerk, this is clearly your fault. There is nothing i can do help.You'd betteThe customer's right? Tony and Maree were annoyed. Having just 5 weeks ago maved into home, and having though that all their mail was being redirected to address. They discovered that several bills were outstanding because received them. Worse, one was a premium for a life insurance policy now a risk of lapsing, and another was a credit card payment that wou nterest charges if unpaid by the due date. Maree was adamant: "This is office s fault and it's just not good enough". Upon arriving at their local post office, however, they were forced to wait for 20 minutes because there appeared to be only one person behind the counter and then were told that they would have to register their compla the po t office where they originally lodged the request to have their mail redirected. Maree was furious and pulled her copy of the form out if her the cleri. She then noticed that their new address had been writt incorrectly on well said the clerk, this is clearly your fault Th can do heto You d better fill out another form Maree stormed in Im um ur of what to do next but decidedly unhappy aboutr fill out another form Maree stormed out with in tow, Im unsure of what to do next but decidedly unhappy about had occurred stormed out with in tow, Im unsure of what to do next but decidedly unhappy about had occurred