Hence two important facts are distinguishable: Good logistics respectively well planned network configurations
can not improve unfavorably chosen work sequences. To install rugs in corridors before installing
in the rooms leeds to congestion. If only one network element is improved, e.g. site equipment, without
consideration of other logistic elements, it might even act counterproductively.
A number of more then 150 experiments based on the basis configuration 1 to 12 with modified floor
numbers and process times per piece show similar effects, but in different intensity. These effects neglected,
another result is evidently: the higher the share of logistic activities is in construction time (less
floors or process times) the better its optimization potential is realizable. But not all activities profit from
the optimization at the same rate. Especially in the simulation of drywall the effects are obvious (figure
5). The cycle time of an elevator has very obvious influence, whereas the position of the elevator hat neglectable