Nontasters, Medium, Tasters, Supertasters
3 Although all humans have taste buds, we do not all have the same number of them.
Medium tasters typically have 10000 taster buds. These "average tasters" make up about 50% of the world population. Nontasters, 25% of the population, have half the number of taste buds as medium tasters. The remaining 25% are supertasters. Supertasters have four to six times as many taste buds as nontasters and twice as many as medium tasters (see Figure 1). Research shows that supertasters are more likely to be women and from asia africa and south america
Different Worlds for Different Tasters
4 Supertasters live in very colorful world of tastes, nontasters live gray world, and medium tasters are somewhere between the two, Supertasters think that a lot of food are too strong. In addition to having more taste buds, supertasters are born with gene that makes them sensitive to bitter foods. Consequently, they dislike broccoli, cauliflower, grapefruit, and even coffee. with more taste buds, they can more easily feel fatty foods in their mouths. As a result, they stay away from high-fat food items like french fries and sweets. They are also very sensitive