today we live in a world technology is there and it's basically a fingertips everywhere you go we're that much closer to the handsome and with technology becoming more more prominent in our society it needs to be schools the music I've had while teaching really helps me keep kids up to date with what's going on wrong and how they're using technology on a daily basis yes everywhere we go there's technology and they had it right here fix the mother fine thanks to announce for not sure it happens I'm not classrooms kids softball you don't like don't really realize they are learning as much as learning status March 21 and because everything such peace process there they're not stopped by some roadblocks so me to get involved this time way for thought they would and they don't realize they're not only learning comment joining as well not necessarily mean think twice tomorrow thanks with down's they have work at or look at your messages because I think that changes our perception believing you have to do
something they don't understand why its meetings the next Tennessee wanna do is much lower and the iPad's to just take right so and whatever's from 1 I'm a big thanks to the morning mister X York someone's and students come in they have been using an iPad pick it up program you are standard stand you are
it's basically quick responses quick way to get information history putting the set of course just got to car of today and feeling become an IMAX and annual tell them what I want i think thats than one warning the one meters things about had clash is how living this hits and anymore grain but I've had bad luck there's virtually no learning using come and pick them up by the way really is
and not just you ffective towns I have is getting our way and letting them show me what they can to get sick so much more what types of things