Efficient and effective operations of supply chains have been à challenging task for
practitioners. Management of a supply chain in reverse direction, referred to as reverse logistics, becomes more
challenging, particularly, in the context of supply chains of perishable products. Disposal of the unused
medicines, if not handled properly, may be harmful for the living beings in the system. Moreover, an in-efficient
reverse process might lead to customer dissatisfaction. This paper has been extracted from a study of reverse
logistics in Indian pharmaceuticals industry, recently conducted by the authors. The present portion of the study
examines the relevance of some key issues of reverse chains in Indian pharmaceuticals from customer
perspective. The data are collected using a structured closed ended questionnaire administered to different
customers and consumers sampled on convenience basis from seven districts of an Indian State i.e. Uttar
Pradesh. Data are analyzed using descriptive and two independent sample t-test. The outcomes of this study are
expected to help retailers, manufacturers, and policy makers modify their policies in order to improve the
customer satisfaction and reduce the environmental hazards.