Using special-designed course books provided by lecturers: In addition to the course notes included, these
books also include some directives and special visual signs to ensure AR interaction when it is necessary.
Using special visual signs: Lecturers can provide special visual signs as printed or in image file formats
(Fig. 2). Additionally, it is also possible to provide the signs as stickers, which can be located on traditional
course books. In this way; course books, which are already in use, are kept in the educational process.
Using special objects: Lecturers can provide some objects (like colored shape blocks) that can be used along
AR interaction sessions.
Focusing on physical objects in the real-life: It is possible to enable an AR session via a physical object in
the real-life. As different from special objects, physical objects are already located in the real-life. Thus, it is
possible to direct students to use a certain shape – structured object like university – faculty logo, case of a
course book, or a certain colored and shaped object in the real-life, to active an AR session.