Afterwards, Driar-shi assumed the office of the land lord, Elder Dohar retired, and the announcement of Jojori-san's engagement happened at the same time, the whole Bolhart City was wrapped in festival.
The candidates for Jojori-san's fiance are the two who participated in the Oblation Strike, Galhar-shi and Zajir-shi.
The viewing flight that was very popular in the labyrinth city was also terrificly popular here, one part of the people who lined up for their turn made a big uproar that almost ended into a fist fight.
I've closed the Gate inside the small airship so there's no problem.
During the seven day drinking bout, I participated in drinking bouts with various brands of liquor that the people brought together with Elder Dohar and the others.
There were a lot of strong liquor enough to numb my tongue, but since I had a convenient body that could only get light drunkenness, I enjoyed the taste in full.
Among many of the smashed dwarves, the dwarves acknowledged my superiority in a strange meaning.
In addition, my companion were--.
The family-oriented members were taught blut and wurst-like sausages made from domestic animals that usually only appear during a festival and various sausage recipes from the female dwarves.
For some reason, the sausages that Arisa remodeled with magic were popular among the Bolhart's children.
The meat-eating members were vigorously hunting the monsters around Bolhart to supply the meat, they were revered like gods by the people who participated in the festival.
It seems the [Meat Song] which started with [Meat, meat, meat~] lyric composed by Pochi and Mia had become a boom by the time we were departing Bolhart.
In addition, the painting of [Hamburg Steak of Sunlight Filtering Through Trees] that master painter Tama made seems to be displayed in the Bolhart's art gallery.
After the festival is over, the day when we were going to depart toward Muno Earldom, I asked a question to Elder Dohar after noticing a certain thing.
"Dohar-sama, where did the offered sword go to?"
"According to the legend, it's said that perhaps it's presented to heaven."
I see, looks like it's told that it's an offering to the god.
Judging from the way Elder Dohar spoke, it seems the City Core didn't have an answer to the question.
I look at the character string displayed on the Exchange Column's post.
[Holy Magic Sword Pendragon] characters are displayed.