As in many other parts of the world, technological advances, agricultural policy and substantial changes in relative prices have led to a persistent trend toward intensification, specialization, and concentration of agricultural production in the EC countries. On EC level, particular emphasis on price support measures of the agricultural policy has contributed to accelerate changes in both crop and livestock management, including extensive mechanization, heavy use of fertilizers and pesticides, movement toward monoculture, and industrialized livestock production. The negative environment effects of this policy become more and more obvious. With regard to water resources, the major environment problem is the pollution of surface and groundwater the main agriculture contaminants are nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus from high use of inorganic fertilizers and growing livestock wastes, and pesticides. They contribute to eutrophication in river, contaminate aquatic life from, pollute deep water aquifers, and can make water unsuitable for human consumption. Particularly, pesticide residues and nitrate levels in drinking water in many areas of the EC have pushed drinking water contamination levels beyond those recommended by the World Health Organization and sometime past the maximum acceptable levels set by WHO