Once you have learned the mechanics of low-pass filter design, high-pass design becomes a snap. You can use all of the attenuation response curves presented, thus far, for the low-pass filters by simply inverting the will produce an attenuation of about 60 dB at an of 3. If you were working in stead with a high-pass filter of the same siZe and type, you could still use Fig. 3-16 to tell you that at an of 1/3 (or, =3) a 5-element, 0.1-dB-ripple Chebchave high-pass filter will also produce an attenuation of 60 dB. This is obviously more convenient that having to refer to more than one set of curves. After finding the response that satisfies all of the requirements, the next step is to simply refer to the tables low-pass prototype values and copy down the prototype values that are called for. High-pass values for the elements are then obtained directly from the low-pass prototype values as follows.
Simply replace each filter element with an element of the opposite type and with a reciprocal value. Thus, of Fig.3-24B is equal to of Fig.3-24A. Likewise, and . Stated another way, if the low-pass prototype india value of henry, instead, for a high-pass design. However, the source and load resistors should not be altered.
The transformation prosess results in and attenuation characteristic for the high-pass filter that is an exact mirror image of the remains the same and the magnitude of the slope of the stopband skirts remains the same. Example 3-7 illustrates the design of high-pass filters.
A closer look at the filter dwsigned in Example 3-7 reveals that it is symmetric. Indeed, all filters given for the equal termination class are symmetric. The rqualternation class of filters thus yields a circuit that is easier to design and, in most cases, cheaper to build for a high-volume product, due to the number of equal valued components.
The low-pass prototype circuits and response curves given in this chapter can also be used in the design of bandpass filters. This is done through a simple thansformation process similar to what was done in the high-pass case.
The most difficult tsak awaiting the designer of a bandpass filter, if the design is to be derived from the low-pass prototype, is in specifing the bandpass attenuation characteristics in terms of the loe-pass response curves. A method for doing this shown by the curves in Fig.3-27. As you can see, when a low-pass design is transformed into a banpass design, the attenuation bandwidth ratios remain the same. This means that a low-pass filter with a 3-dB cutoff frequency, or a bandwidth of 2 kHz, would transform into a bandpass filter with a 3-dB bandwidth of 2 kHz. If the response of the low-pass network were down 30dB
at a frequency or bandwidth of 4 kHz( ), then the response of the bandpass network would be down 30 dB a bandwidth of 4 kHz. Thun, the normalized axis of the low-pass attenuation curver becomes a ratio of bandwidth rather than frequencies.
Such that:
= the bandwidth at the required value of attenuation,
= the 3-dB bandwidth of the bandpass filter.
Often a bandpass response is not specified, as in Example 3-8. Instead, the requirements are often given as attenuation values at specified frequencies as shown by the curve in Fig. 3-28. In this case, you must transform the stated requirements into information that takes the form of Equation 3-14. As an example, consider Fig.3-28. How do we convert the data that is given into the banwidth ratios we need? Before we can answer that, we have to find . Use the following method. The frequency response of a bandpass filter exhibits geometric symmetry. That is, it is only symmetry when plotted on a logarithmic scale. The center frequency of a geometrically symmetric filter given by the formula:
Where and are any to frequencies(one above and below the passband) having equal attenuation. Therefore, the center
Frequency of the response curve shown in Fig.3-28 must be
We can use Equation 3-15 again to find
Now that is known, the data of Fig.3-28 can be put into the form of Equation 3-14.
To find a low-pass prototype curve that will satisfy these requirements, simply refer to any of the presented in this chapter and find a response that will provide 40 dB of attenuation at an of 3.27. The actual transformation from the low-pass to the bandpass configuration is accomplished by resonating each low-pass element with an element of the opprosite type and of the same value. All shunt element of the low-pass prototype circuit become series-resonant circuit. This process is illustrated in Fig.3-30.
To complete the design, the transformed filter is then frequency and impedance-scalaed using the following formular. For the parallel-resonant banc