Aw, no worries. No worries. Ya know, I mean all of these things are just things that I believe, ya know…things that make ME feel better about life and make me be the same guy I truly believe and I do believe that the power between you and your dad is more than the sum of your own parts and is more powerful than in this Earth that we have here. Ya know there’s feelings that just can’t go away and I think, no matter what, the energy never dies. Ya know that’s one thing when my own father passed away but I know he’s not dead. But why? Because, Danny, he just changed form, he just changed shape. And I think it’s really important to know and to realize when we are kind of, I guess, in the face of death or if you are in the face of losing something that you don’t think you can live without, ya know, you will see them again, that’s the thing…you just won’t see them for now. But, ya know, I hope everything works out for you.”