Infrastructure items
1 No. of PC per 100 of employees within the organisation > 80%
2 Systems performance and reliability standards defined and monitored to ensure fulfilment.
3 Systems designed to integrate with important internal and external databases and applications and change as needs change.
4 A formal system/application development methodology, designed for e-Government, used for all information and communications technology (ICT) projects.
5 Measurable targets/results and milestones for e-Government are documented in organisation planning.
6 E-Government is an integral part of the organisation's strategic and business planning.
7 A unified direction for e-Government is set for the organisation, with clear objectives
8 Senior management and staff demonstrate a clear commitment to the implementation of e-Government.
9 The organisation's disaster recovery planning deals with e-Government issues, and reviewed regularly.
10 e-Government systems are comprehensively and regularly tested and reviewed to provide assurance that controls are present and effective
11 The Bandwidth for speedy and quality access of information is suitable for information transactions between public organisations
12 The organisation has the technical maturity to successfully design, develop and implement it’s own e-Government projects
13 The organisation IT architecture has enough flexibility to allow for the implementation of new e-Government technologies as they become available
14 The organisation has committed to the success of e-Government projects by adopting appropriate quality control and performance measures.
15 The Internet solutions are flexible to contain rapid change and scalability
16 The organisation has technological infrastructure and competencies to effectively engage in e-Government initiatives