This study identified empirically derived subtypes of gamblers based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling disorder (PGD). Data from the gamblers (n = 5644) who participated in the 2007 British Gambling Prevalence Survey (BGPS) were analysed using latent class analysis. Common socio-demographic correlates of PGD were subsequently assessed across the classes. Three distinct groups or classes of gamblers emerged. The majority of the sample (88.9%) was assigned to a ‘non-problematic gambler’ class. A second ‘preoccupied chaser’ class contained a significant percentage of gamblers (9.7%) who reported symptoms such as a preoccupation with gambling and engaging in chasing loses. Approximately 1.4% of gamblers were classified into an ‘antisocial impulsivist gambler’ class. Males, non-Whites and smokers were all more likely to be preoccupied chasers or antisocial impulsivist gamblers, rather than non-problematic gamblers. The current findings revealed that the gambling subtypes identified in the 2007 BGPS largely differed in relation to the severity, rather than the type, of symptoms experienced. These findings present a useful and clinically meaningful typology of individuals with PGD that may be examined further in both research and clinical settings.