Currently, there are various technologies into widespread use, whether in the public or private institution. To shorten the time required to resolve the delay of the tests with human hands. As well as increased accuracy to the test. By reducing the consumption of paper questions. And reduce human error was high. Currently, the detection accuracy of the answers. If a multiple-choice test Check test is used to allow a faster and more convenient. Rather than the traditional method of checking potential errors in vote counting. Check deficiencies or counting duplicate the original. The error because respondents could check more than one mark. But the inspectors to see the unique selection that is specific channels only. It should be an offense to score. These faults can not be achieved by the use of automatic checking with a scan for multiple-choice tests. By means of a matching template in part of the answer and a solution. The two images were then compared to find the correct answer. By looking at the picture to compare with the preview image. The samples will be collected and define the key characteristics that can differentiate them. By moving to a template or prototype to various points from left to right or top to bottom will mark the point in a straight line monitor response to the tilt of the answer sheet and calculate the similarities between the master and the area of the image to be compared. So the researchers looked to be prepared. Automatic scanning and checking for multiple-choice tests. To meet the demand for such education. By using the matching template are accurate and effective in their work.