A few days after this, Virginia and her young admirer went out riding in the fields. But a tree tore her riding skill very badly,and when they got home she went up the back stairs to mend it.She was running past the half-open door of one of the room when she saw someone inside.It was,she thought,her mother's servant,who sometimes took her needlework there.So she went to the door to ask the girl to mend her skirt
But to her great surprise,it was the Canterville Ghost himself! He was sitting by the window, watching the first leaves of autumn falling from the trees. His head was on his hand, and he looked terribly unhappy. Little Virginia's first idea was to run away and lock herself in her room, but then she began to feel sorry for him.
He didn't know she was there until she spoke to him.
'I'm so sorry for you,' she said. 'But my brothers are going back to school tomorrow,and then,if you behave yourself,no-one will annoy you'
The ghost looked round in surprise at the pretty little girl who was daring to speak to him. 'It's silly to ask me to behave myself,' he answered.'Very silly'
'Why?' she said
'Because I have to make noises with my chains, and cry though keyholes,and walk about at night,' said the Canterville Ghost.'It's my only reason for being alive.'
'That's no reason for being alive, and you know you've been very bad,' said Virginia.
'Mrs Umney told us,when we arrived here,that you killed your wife,' Virginia continued.
'Well,yes,that's true,' said the ghost, sounding rather annoyed.