Hi, Somyot,
According to your question on the meeting today, let me clarify with you below, please help to announce it in your team;
1) Wrong registered with ID or IMEI number-----So I’d suggest that they help the user create a new trade in while the consumer is in your branch. The process would take only 5 mins. Please remember to reject the old trade in deal with the reason “wrong ID or IMEI or else”;
2) Charger/ earphone/package/lighting cable is necessary to be trade in together? ---- We will mention in the system to ask the consumer to provide the original charger and lighting cable. But the standard process is only checking the charger and lighting cable charging well or not. No need to check it’s original or not.
3) Internal LCD or battery or mainboard change but work well. cant tell by visual verification;--- According to your employees’ experience, any potentially possible internal change (different appearance of LCD screen, back cover , or turning the screw, SVOA suspect the internal parts are changed or consumers confirm the change, please reject )
4) ONE user ID for SVOA ----We decide to create multiple ID for SVOA, cuz one ID only allowed to log in one user simultaneously.