A few weeks ago, I was walking to my car in the parking lot,
when someone came up to me and said he enjoyed reading my
weekly column. “But”, he said, “you always write about
everyone’s bad experiences. Why don’t you ask people to talk about their good
experiences, too?”
So I asked readers to write in and tell me about all the good things that
happened to them recently. I got hundreds of replies. Here is one of them:
When I was shopping at the mall last week, I lost my wallet with all my money
and credit cards in it. I spent a long time looking for it with no luck. I was really
upset because it had my spare house key and my address in it, too. Anyway,
later that day after I got home, my doorbell rang. It was a young man, and he
had my wallet. Apparently, he saw it on the ground when he was walking into
the mall. He drove all the way to my house to give it to me! I couldn’t believe it! I
was so lucky!