I realize that the continuous life and jhave 47 years now, it is time for me tomeet a woman to live permanently withher and make real new life projects asthe House in france, my older brotheras meeting his wife on asia dating, it isgo see four times in one country thephillipines and then it c is marry herthey live near my house and are verywell together for nearly three years, I'mvery happy for him for this because c isa serious man and benevolent, I alsolike him and on his advice I will also tryto meet a woman like him and makenew projects of life demo can be thiswoman will be you because I n will notgo to the phillipines I favorite bankoks cis a destination least far and a lotcheaper to come if we all projects dfuture together later, the projects of feelings of benevolence and love onefor another w future will tell me thisbecause I desire meet you as bankoksto talk to you and find out if l we can beand living together a life pleasant nanita
in france