Plate-fin heat exchangers are a class of compact heat exchangers that are extensively applied in industry.
The distributor configuration used to distribute fluid flow among the channels of a plate-fin heat
exchanger can significantly influence the thermal performance of such heat exchangers. In this work,
various distributor configurations were used with a plate-fin heat exchanger under different operating
conditions to assess the resultant change in its flow distribution and thermal performance. It was found
that certain design features of the distributor caused severe flow maldistribution and that the flow
Reynolds number based on the average flow velocity in the heat exchanger channels and the channel
hydraulic diameter substantially affected the flow distribution, which in turn significantly influenced the
heat exchanger's thermal performance. An improved distributor design, with a complementary fluid
cavity was built and tested in this work. The experimental results show that improved distributors are
very effective in improving the flow distribution in heat exchangers, and consequently, their thermal
performance. The most uniform flow distribution and heat transfer were obtained, when the improved
distributor configuration parameter, which represents the ratio of the height of the complementary
cavity (h) to the total distributor height (H), is 0.2. By incorporating this distributor at the inlet of the
plate-fin heat exchanger, the flow and temperature non-uniformity in the same were reduced to 57.4%
and 13.7% of the baseline design respectively, at the main test condition. Correlations between the flow
distribution uniformity and Reynolds number for the various distributor configurations have also
been provided.
Plate-fin heat exchangers are a class of compact heat exchangers that are extensively applied in industry.The distributor configuration used to distribute fluid flow among the channels of a plate-fin heatexchanger can significantly influence the thermal performance of such heat exchangers. In this work,various distributor configurations were used with a plate-fin heat exchanger under different operatingconditions to assess the resultant change in its flow distribution and thermal performance. It was foundthat certain design features of the distributor caused severe flow maldistribution and that the flowReynolds number based on the average flow velocity in the heat exchanger channels and the channelhydraulic diameter substantially affected the flow distribution, which in turn significantly influenced theheat exchanger's thermal performance. An improved distributor design, with a complementary fluidcavity was built and tested in this work. The experimental results show that improved distributors arevery effective in improving the flow distribution in heat exchangers, and consequently, their thermalperformance. The most uniform flow distribution and heat transfer were obtained, when the improveddistributor configuration parameter, which represents the ratio of the height of the complementarycavity (h) to the total distributor height (H), is 0.2. By incorporating this distributor at the inlet of theplate-fin heat exchanger, the flow and temperature non-uniformity in the same were reduced to 57.4%
and 13.7% of the baseline design respectively, at the main test condition. Correlations between the flow
distribution uniformity and Reynolds number for the various distributor configurations have also
been provided.
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