Stop motion design project for science learning in primary school level about natural energy
Visual Communication Design
Rangsit University (2558)
Advisor : Aj.Sirada Waiyaawatmai
The nature of children are curious and seek the new knowledge from the things around them then they will learn to understand their living environment and can observe the soil, rock, air and sky. In primary school level, children began learning to solve problems by using the scientific process. Science is meant to trace and describe the events that occur in nature, environment and human body. Science is about to learn the background of things step by step, so the children will analyse on the steps to consider the assumption of the events that coming up then they will understand more about the world.
The scientific that familiar with human being is the energy. Energy is an important foundation for development and growth. Sun is the origins of energy and there are nothing in the world that not relevant it. For primary school children will have a class to learn about the source of energy, so they will recognize to the value of energy savings. Nowadays, science course is difficult to reach to the children because not have interesting or remarkable instruction media that can make children want to pay attention, so children may not really understand in the science lessons. But they should perceive the values and benefits of energy to be make them be able to apply the knowledge on daily life appropriately. There are many types of energy, for primary school children will beginning to learn natural energy and electrical energy which the basis of science lessons.
Therefore, this stop motion design project was established for science learning in primary school level about natural energy to inviting children and make them enjoy with science. So it will make children have a good basis to learn the science further.