■ Change short-term indwelling
catheter and drainage bags when
clinically indicated and in line with
manufacturer’s recommendations
■ Position drainage system below
the level of bladder on a stand that
prevents floor contact
■ To empty drainage bag use a separate
clean container for each patient
■ Do not allow the drainage bag to
fill more than ¾
■ Routine daily personal hygiene is
sufficient for meatal cleansing
Intermittent catheterisation and intermittent
self-catheterisation (Newman and Willson 2011)
■ Assess technique of the person who performs
■ Consider alternative catheter designs to ease insertion
■ Consider use of a sterile, closed system or single-use
catheters based on medical necessity
■ Drain urine regularly, between four and six times a day,
and perform Credé’s manoeuvre as the catheter is
removed to ensure adequate emptying (a technique
for manual expression of urine from the bladder by
holding the hands flat against the abdomen just below
the umbilicus and performing a firm downward stroke
towards the bladder. This is repeated six to seven
times followed by pressure from both hands placed
directly over the bladder)
■ Encourage regular fluid intake in small volumes spaced
hourly reducing intake to sips in the evening
■ Manage nocturnal polyuria by avoiding large volumes
of fluid in the evening and catheterising several times
during the night